The Weekend |I Thrived!|

Hello last day of February!!!

I for one am glad to see February go, but only because March is my birth month so I always want it to be March.  Plus March means it’s officially Spring and Spring is my favorite season.  So really it’s win win for me.  
So, I had a phenomenal weekend!!!  Seriously it was the best weekend I’ve had in a long long time.  And it’s all thanks to the Thrive Blog Conference!  I cannot wait to share all of my real thoughts and feelings about the whole thing, but let me just tell you it was AH-MAZING!
For now I’m just going to share some of the highlights from the weekend as a whole and then be sure to check back later this week for a full re-cap!

Once school was over it was all things Thrive! It was seriously the best experience I’ve had in a while.  Much more fun than the conferences I have to go to for my actual job. 
-Had a minor hiccup on Friday when I realized that I left the dress I bought from Francescas at home!!!  I was already 30 minutes from home in Houston traffic when I realized it so there was no way I was going back to my house.  Thankfully since I did buy my dress from Francesca’s I was able to buy the same one and a major crisis was averted.
– Met some of my favorite Houston bloggers.
-Took some adorable pictures in the “photobooth” sections.  All the vintage furniture was provided by a local Houston company called Vintage Indulgences.  
– Ate some of the most delicious cookies I’ve had in a while courtesy of Sweet Marie’s.  Seriously the lemon lavender shortbread cookies were fabulous.
-Had another minor hiccup when I realized I left my DSLR camera battery plugged into the wall at my friend Holly’s house.  So iPhone pictures it was. 
– Learned a ton from all the amazing speakers!!!
– Left the conference with a tribe of new friends and some great insight into how to make my little space of the internet really THRIVE!! 🙂
And now for some more photos, which I know you’re dying to see.

(picture courtesy of Meg Cady Photography)

Overall it was a fabulous two days.  And I am so glad I decided to go.  To be honest I’m STILL trying to process everything I’ve learned but that’s to be expected when you learn so many great things.  I really hope the creators, Whitney and Bree hold the conference again next year because I will definitely be in attendance.

Was all about the Oscars!!!  I did take part of my day to relax and recharge after a very busy Saturday.  I went to the store and pampered myself a little with a trip to the nail salon.  But once I got home it was full on Oscar mania.  I mean I had to watch to make sure my main man, Leo, won his first Oscar and I was so happy when he did!! (As were about 1 million other people in the world I’m sure!
– Loved seeing all the Oscar fashion.  Here were my favorites:

To be honest I wasn’t at all impressed with the rest of the show.  If it hadn’t been for Leo I honestly probably would have turned it off after the first 30 minutes and started watching Fuller House (which I plan to watch tonight!).  But I sat through it, spending most of my time on my phone.  I did absolutely love Lady Gaga’s powerful performance of her song and thought that Spotlight was 100% deserving of the Best Picture win.  But other than those three things….I could have found a better way to spend those 3 and half hours.  Which was really disappointing to me because I LOVE the Oscars and just movies in general.  Hopefully next years show is better.  Much better.
But at the end of the day…….LEO WON!!!!!!! And really that’s all that matters!
February was a whirlwind month and I am glad to see it go.  Although I do wish I could relive Thrive just one more time.  But now it’s on to the next month…the BEST month!  Bring it on March, I’m ready for you! 
Hope your weekend was great and may your Monday be short! 🙂
Linking up with Biana.

12 thoughts on “The Weekend |I Thrived!|

  1. i legit never watch award shows, i think they are so boring and i can catch up on the fashion / awards the next day. however, i sat through every damn minute last night hahaha and it was worth it to see Leo win. but yeah the rest of the show was meh. I wish they showed more outfits and talked less on the red carpet haha.looks like you had an amazing time at the blog thingy, even with the hiccups. your dress is adorable!


  2. Yay! I'm so glad that you had so much fun at Thrive! I loved seeing all of your pictures because everything looked so adorable, not to mention those cookies that looked so delicious! I can't wait to hear all about it, and I'm already thinking that I'll need to join you next year too! Did I know that your birthday is in March because mine totally is too! It's totally going to be the best month ever, especially with our blate happening this weekend!


  3. I wish I was in Houston to go to Thrive, sounds awesome! I can't wait to read your recap later. March is my birth month too! It's actually the first year ever that it won't be spring break and I'm actually really excited to celebrate at school with my kids.


  4. Oh man…Thrive looks so awesome! It happens every year, right? Maybe I'll try to go next year : )YES LEO WON!!! Haha….I think it was the most collective happiness our country has ever felt. Like, everyone was on the same page FINALLY. Haha 😉


  5. It was amazing to finally meet you at Thrive! It was such a pleasure, and it was awesome getting to know you through the days. P.S. Your Oscar picks are my favorites too. Give me all the beautiful gowns, with Leo on my arm!


  6. It was so nice meeting you at Thrive! (Clearly super behind on blog reading over here.) ALSO. That camera battery thing flipping stinks. It has DEFINITELY happened to me before… multiple times, and every time it's a huge bummer. That said, yay for cell phone photo quality going up in th world.


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