
Life has changed.Well, my life in Florida has changed.Big time.
Ready for story time?Good, because this is a long one.
So, back in May my 4 roommates and I decided to resign out leave for another 9 months.We knew that one roommate had decided not to stay in Florida so we needed to find a fourth person to take over her room.We had several interested people.  But we had decided to give it to my BFF who lives in California and works at Disneyland.She had been there for about a year, but wasn’t super happy, was super poor (Cali is an expensive state to live in I’m told), and if she moved to Florida she’d be closer to her family.Plus, she had been telling me for months that she wanted to move back to Florida.We called her and got the “Yes, I’m 100% moving to Florida in August.  I’ll take the room” from her.So we signed.
Here comes June and I get some shocking news from Suzanne.(She’s the roommate who I’ve talked about a million times on my blog.  She’s my best friend here in Florida, actually more like my sister, and is one of the best people I know!)Suz’s tells me that she has decided to move back to home to Kansas.My heart dropped to my stomach and I may have freaked a little.But she’s been through a whole lot the last 2 years here in Florida and I knew she needed to go home for a while. She’s said that she was only going home for the holidays and would be back in January to finish out the lease.
I excepted that pretty quickly (although I was still really sad that my best friend was leaving) but was comforted by the fact that my BF from California was still coming.She reassured me she was still in it and was coming now matter what.Back in July I got to go home for a whole week.My cousin got married and I was able to see pretty much all of my family.It was great.Save for one thing.I got a call from BF in Cali.She was upset and crying (which she never really does!) and said she was confused and wasn’t sure she wanted to move to Florida anymore,UM, WHAT!I panicked. A million thoughts started running through my head!Why not? We’ve already signed the lease and told everyone else the room was taken.  Suz is leaving and now she’s not coming, what the hell am I gonna do.  Through all that though, my first instinct was as her best friend.  I didn’t want her to be upset and confused.  I didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t talk to me about her feelings.So I told her it was ok and we’d figure it out.
Then I started to really thing about what it would mean if she didn’t come.And I got angry.So later in he week I gave her a call back and just told her exactly how I was feeling.I had been feeling anxious and stressed all while I was at home. (Where I was supposed to be relaxing and happy.)We had a great conversation, I told her it was only until May and that if she wasn’t happy in Florida after all she could always go back. Oh, did I mention that there is a guy involved in this story.Yeah not on my end (sadly) but on hers. And she’s got a new job at Disneyland and has started making more money.  So she’s not as unhappy as she was when she agreed 100% in May.So we get into the beginning of August, our old lease is ending in a matter of weeks and I still haven’t heard from her.  That added to the fact that Suz is leaving in the same amount of time, make me feel sad, even more anxious, stressed, angry, and totally unhappy.  I’m at the point where I just want to quit Disney and move home to Texas.
Then I get the official call that BF in California has decided to stay in California.First thought?I’m FUCKED. (sorry for the language).I told her I was hurt and angry and that it would take me a while to get over this. See, I wasn’t made because she wasn’t moving to Florida.I was mad because for MONTHS she had been telling us she was 100% sure she as moving here and 3 weeks before she’s supposed to start driving here, she tells me never mind.I couldn’t believe that one of my best friends was doing this.It was awful.
Well to make an already long story short, we did end up finding someone to take the room.A hundred different scenarios ran through my head on what would happen if we didn’t find someone.I’d have to pay more rent, Suz might have to stay and be miserable (she had found someone to take over her room), life would be terrible.Luckily pretty much the same day that we lost a roommate, we found a new one.
So now, I’m currently living with 2 boys and another girl (who I’ve lived with for the last year).I’ve moved into Suzanne’s old room and the new roommates and I NEVER see each other.We all have different schedules, different friends, pretty much different lives.I drove with Suzanne back to Kansas last weekend and when I got back I didn’t see any of my roommates for 3 days.It pretty much feels like I live alone.Which I hate.
I’ve NEVER had roommate issues and I have ALWAY been friends with my roommates.And now that’s not the case.Yes we all get along, but we’re not friends.And to be honest, I’m lonely.It’s an awful feeling.But I’m slowly getting used to it.  Thank god for my friends at work.Because if it weren’t for them, I honestly don’t know if I would be staying in Florida.
But I’ve come to realize that maybe this is supposed to be happening.  This is God’s plan for me and I just have to roll with it.And thinking that is making it much easier.
Wow, this is one long long post.I apologize for that, but I’ve been wanting to write this all out for a while now.
Final thought on the whole situation?
Change is definitely hard but it does make you stronger.


A Little Note

Hello Friends!Just wanted to drop a quick note to all of you.No, I haven’t given up my little ole blog, my life has just been crazy lately.A lot has changed for me and I’ll be giving a FULL update on Monday.I’m just adjusting to all the changes right now.Come back on Monday and you’ll see why I’ve been MIA.
Till then, have a fantabulous weekend! 🙂Photobucket

A Fort, Cowboys and Cooking

Hi friends!Well I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend!Mine was very eventful.  In fact, the title of my post sums it up pretty nicely.On Friday afternoon I came home to this:

Yep, it’s the girliest, greatest, most epic fort in the world!
(I made the picture extra big so y’all could fully appreciate it!)
The roommates built it and were having a Christmas movie marathon when I got home from work.
We plan to see how long we can go with it up.
Which is probably going to be another two weeks.
We spent all day yesterday in the tent.
We watched 3 The Young Victoria, Muppets Treasure Island, and The Man in the Iron Mask.
We had tea time.
And we ate dinner and slept in the fort.
It was glorious.
On Saturday night I did something I rarely do.
I went out!
As in out to a bar.
If you know me, you know I’m not really a bar kinda girl.
But I figured what the heck and went with some friends from work to a country bar called Cowboys.
I broke out my cowboy boots and got my line dance on.
We had a blast!

Last but not least is cooking!
I made Spinach and Chicken Pasta Bake, which I found through Meg over at Sweetly Complicated.
This is the second time I’ve made this dish and it was just as good the second time as the first time.
I had to use angel hair pasta instead of rigatoni because I forgot to buy rigatoni.
But it came out just as good! 🙂
Then Suz and I got in the mood for something sweet and yummy.
And decided a fruit cobbler was just the thing!
We hit up Pinterest to find a good recipe and settled on an Apple Cobbler.
It too turned out great!
And it made a ton so we will be eating apple cobbler for the rest of the week.

It was definitely one of my better weekends. Now I’m gonna go get back in my fort.  If I could leave it up forever, I totally would.Have a great Monday! 🙂Photobucket

I Won an Award!

Actually two!
Two lovely lovely ladies have nominated me for the Liebster blog award!
How sweet is that?!  
Sinead from Sinead in the Sun and Alexis from Living the Christian WifeStyle each nominated me.
This is what it is:
“The Liebster award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.”

Then you have to:

1. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 5 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
2. Choose 5 people and link them in your post
3. Go to their page and tell them.
4. No tag backs!

Now I’m pretty sure these two amazing girls followed slightly different Liebster blog rules so I’m gonna do a little mix of both.  I’m just going to answer the questions they left me and then tag 5 of my favorite bloggers! 🙂  Otherwise this would be a super long post.
So here we go:

Alexis’s Questions:
Christian WifeStyle

1. What is your favorite part about blogging?

My favorite part about about blogging is all the amazing people I’ve had the infinite pleasure to meet because of my little space on the web. Seriously y’all are all amazing women and I’m so glad to know each of you!

2. Where is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation would be an all inclusive trip to England.  I want to visit all the major cities, visit all the major landmarks, and eat any and every where I want.  This would include having afternoon tea EVERY DAY!

3. What was the first blog you started reading?

The very first blog I started reading was one of my best friends blog.  Her name is Whitney and she blogs over at Writing on a Whim.  Then through her, I stumbled on the other blogs that I still follow today.  She was my first inspiration to start my own blog though! 

4. What is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?

Favorite piece of jewelry is the ring my mom gave me for graduating college.  She had is custom made by a family friend.  The diamonds in the ring were all owned at one point by either my mom or my two grandmothers.  I NEVER take it off and I’m excited to have something to one day pass on to my daughter.

5. What is your favorite beauty product?
Favorite beauty product is Covergirl Lash Blast Mascara.  Mascara is one thing that I NEVER leave the house without.  And Last Blast gives great thick cover that literally makes my lashes look crazy long and thick! Love it.
Sinead’s Questions:

1. What is your Favourite Holiday?

My favorite holiday is Christmas.  I love the decorations, the food, the clothes we get to wear, the fact that family and friends get together, and of course presents! 🙂

2. What is the best book to movie adaptation you have watched? 

I think Pride and Prejudice is one of the best book to movie adaptations.  I wasn’t disappointed with the movie in the least (which I can’t say for many of the others).  I love watching that movie.  It was beautifully done and the music is fantastic! 

3. If you could meet anyone famous, who would it be?

Easy, Kate Middleton. Oh excuse me, I mean Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge.
I just adore everything about her.  

4. What is you favourite Perfume?

Burberry London.  
I have not had it for like a year now and I’m starting to have serious withdrawals.

5. How would you react to a Zombie Apocalypse?
Haha, um.  I like to think I would try and kick some Zombie ass. But honestly I would probably find a basement to hide in until some hunky hero comes to save me. 

6. What is your favorite quote from a Kids Book?

“The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”  -Places You Will Go, Dr. Suess.

This is one of my favorite children’s books and was the inspirations behind my blog title.

7. Heels or Flats?

I would LOVE to be able to say heels, but I just don’t wear heels as much I would like.
So, I’ll go with flats.

8. If you could give truth serum to anyone on the planet right now, who would it be and why?
Um…I honestly don’t wanna say on the blog right now.  
I have some stuff going on that I’m just not ready to talk about on the blog.

9. What are 5 words that describe you?
Friendly, honest, hard-working, blonde, and caring.

10. What is the weirdest dream you have ever had?

When I was in high school I had a recurring dream with a faceless man.  
I never saw his face.
From time to time I still have it, but I have no idea what he looks like. Weird.

11. What era would you have loved to live in?

Either the 1800s or the 1930s and 1940s.
I’m obsessed with these eras.  And I firmly believe I should have been born in either of them.

Well that was fun! 

Here are my 5 nominees:

Leanne – Simply Beautiful
Courtney – Courtney’s Organized Chaos
Jackie- Wine Down
Whitney- Writing on A Whim
Nicole – Life as a Newlywed 

And your questions:

Which store is your all time favorite?

If you could change your name, would you? To what?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
What is your favorite nail polish color?
If you could trade lives with another blogger, who would it be?

Alrighty, again a HUGE HUGE thank you to Alexis and Sinead.
You girls are amazing and so sweet! Click on their adorable buttons up top to stop by and say hi! 🙂

Have a great Thursday!


Oh, How Pinteresting: OLYMPICS!

Well hello there August!I didn’t see you there.  But seriously, it’s August. AUGUST!Where the heck did July go?Time is flying entirely too fast.  Before we know it, it’s gonna be Christmas!Christmas is great but lets enjoy the present, shall we?So, it’s Wednesday and that means:
Since the Olympics are in full swing, I decided to do an Olympics inspired Pinterest day!Here are my favorite Olympic pins:

Source: via Kathleen on Pinterest

My favorite event is gymnastics!  And it was AMAZING watching the Fab 5 win the gold last night! 🙂

Source: via Kathleen on Pinterest

GO TEAM USA!! 🙂 Have a great August friends! Photobucket