30 Before 30

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was writing a 28 in 28 list.  You know 28 things I want to do while I’m 28.  However, as I was writing said list, I realized that the likelihood that I would complete some of the things on the list in a single year was very much unlikely.  So I decided to change my list from a 28 in 28 to a 30 before 30 list.  
This gives me 2 years to complete the list you’re about to read.  Some of them are personal, some just for fun, some I already know I will be completing, and some are blog related.  I think I’ve got a pretty good mix of stuff here.  
Here we go….
1. Go to Washington D.C.

2. Go to Europe again.

3. Live in and decorate my own apartment.

4. Go on another cruise.

5. Run a 5K or some other type of race.

6. Try online dating again.

7. Reach 1,000 Instagram followers.

8. Get the domain I purchased to actually work with my blog and eventually re-design the blog again.

9. Read 200 books – 100 for each year I have left till 30.

10. See a Broadway or Broadway type play.

11. Take a photography class.

12. Make photography a side business.
13. See Michael Buble in concert. (Hopefully he goes on tour in the next two years.)
14. Go back to Universal Studios and see Diagon Alley.

15. Apply for the Fund for Teachers travel grant.

16. Be healthier- possibly go down a jean size or two.

17. Buy a clothing item full price from Anthropology.

18. Pay off remaining my credit card debt. 

19. Build my savings.

20. Visit either: Boston, Chicago, or Seattle.  (or all three! 🙂 )
21. Meet my future husband.

22. Take a (or preferably multiple) workout class – Zumba, Pure Barre, Spin….something!

23. Attend another blog conference.

24. Go skiing.

25. Record a vlog.

26. Learn to do my hair in an up-do.

27. Learn to like wearing high heels.

28. Eat in a restaurant by myself.

29. Send close friends and family birthday cards starting this summer.

30.  Go to the Houston rodeo.

Well there ya have it!  30 things to do before I turn the big 3-0.  Let’s do this!

Currently {March}

Reading….Same thing I have been for the last week.  I just haven’t had much time to read in the last few days.  So I’m still reading You by Carolina Kepnes.  
Feeling….Pretty darn good.  This month has been a good one.  I had a fantastic birthday and it’s been great month here on the blog.   And I have some fun stuff coming up in April too!  

Drinking….Dr. Pepper.  A very large Dr. Pepper.  I forget how large the large is at Whataburger.  

Watching….The CNN GOP Town Halls.  Why?  Partly because I want to stay informed on what going on.  Although I will say, mostly I’m just waiting for The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to start and there is literally nothing else on.  Politics is a mess right now.  It doesn’t help that I’ve watched way too much House of Cards so basically everyone is as corrupt as Frank Underwood in my mind!  (Ok maybe not THAT corrupt but you get what I’m saying.  Also if you haven’t watched House of Cards…you’re missing out.  Watch it!) 

Wishing….I was going to Disney World with my friend Jordan this weekend.  She’s heading there to celebrate her birthday and to officially reveal the gender to of Baby Schiffbaur (even

Thinking about….Hotels!  I’m currently on the hunt of a good hotel in Washington D.C. Hotels.com seems like the best website to find a decent price for a hotel in a good location for our 6 days in our nations capitol.  Any suggestions on this front would be much appreciated from all my DC area blogger friends! 🙂 

Looking forward to….refurbishing the couch I mentioned on Monday.  Here is a picture of said couch.  I have been scouring Pinterest for inspiration and DIY instructions for doing the refurb the right way.  There are TONS of pins on refurbishing vintage chairs but not a whole lot on vintage couches.  So this is going to be quite the project!  

Wanting….Summer Vacation!  We have two months of school left and then BOOM off for the next two.  Gotta say that is definitely a major perk of being a teacher.
Loving…. Snapchat and Canva.  I think I’ve finally figured out why people love Snapchat (Kalady88) so much.  It’s addicting!  And it’s made me get used to the way I look and sound via video.  Which I used to hate.  But it’s giving me confidence to maybe….just maybe do a vlog in the near future.  And Canva.com is a fantastic website I discovered through Michelle (She is Bubbly is her Instragram handle) that helps you create visuals for Pinterest, your blog, and just about anything else.  I used it for the visual at the top of this post and for the two I used Monday and Tuesday too.  Check it out it just might change the way you blog! 🙂

Needing….nothing right now!  For once I feel like I have just about everything I need.  Talk to me next month though and I’m sure there will be something! 🙂


I usually do these posts in the middle of the month but even though this was a fabulous month it kinda got away from me a little.  The end of March is here and it’s about time to say hello to April! 🙂
Enjoy your last two days of March! Linking up with Jenn and Jess!

Bluebonnets: A Texas Tradition

Bluebonnet season is upon us in the great state of Texas.  If you don’t already know, the Bluebonnet or Lupinis texensis, is the state flower of Texas.  You can usually find this pretty wildflower from March-April along the many highways and across the plains of Texas.  As you’re driving down said highways you’ll likely see signs that say “No-Mow Area” so that way they can be enjoyed for the duration of their appearance during the Spring.  They only bloom in the Spring so it’s important to keep a sharp eye out in March and April so you don’t miss them.
I was born in West Texas and if you don’t know, West Texas is covered in desert as opposed to plains and hills like central and east Texas.  So I didn’t grow up seeing bluebonnets and taking pictures in them every year.  But for most Texas families, that’s the big tradition.  Taking spring time pictures in huge fields of bluebonnets or along the side of the highway.  So when I moved to Houston, one of the things I was most excited for was exactly that.  Finding a huge field of bluebonnets and taking pictures in them!  Sadly, last year we went searching for the bluebonnets too late in the season and so we missed being able to take any.
So this year I determined to get pictures in the bluebonnets.  And as luck would have it, another co-worker of mine asked if I would mind taking some pictures of her and her fiancee in the bluebonnets. And when she graciously offered to take some of me while we were out there I immediately jumped at the offer and BOOM we had plans to find ourselves some bluebonnets.  
We found said bluebonnets down Highway 290 just outside of Houston.  If you’re familiar with the area then we drove down Highway 290 past the Highway 6 turn off toward College Station.  We stopped just off the side of the road on this pretty hill just in front of the “Welcome to Washington County” sign.  Then as we were driving home we spotted a field of them and we may or may not have  snuck onto some private property to take some more.  In our defense their gate was wide open, so we took that as an open invitation to use their bluebonnet field.  We just made sure to be kinda stealthy about it! 
Ok enough of my babbling…lets get onto the goods!  I am SO happy that I finally have some pictures in the bluebonnets.  When I finally have a husband and family, you can bet your butt we’ll be taking pictures in these little beauties every single year! 

Ok now on to some of the pictures I took for my friend Brittny and her fiancee Seth.  They are getting married in July.  They were so fun to shoot and very easy going.  They brought along their gorgeous lab Lucy who is so well trained that it was easy as pie to photograph her!  These bluebonnets are the perfect back drop for a couples session and I LOVE the way their pictures turned out.  So I’ll give myself a little pat on the back for that one.

 This last picture is my all time favorite.  I am obsessed with it!!!! HEART EYE EMOJI TIMES A THOUSAND!!!!!

So moral of the story is if you’re in central Texas anytime between March and April, you are in for a real treat because all the Texas wildflowers will be in full bloom.  Especially along the I-35 corridor (between San Antonio and Austin), the I-45 corridor (between Houston and Dallas), and just any highway in little towns across central Texas.  
From what I can tell the designated “Bluebonnet capitol” is the little town of Ennis, Texas just outside of Dallas.  They have the annual Bluebonnet Festival, which this year is from April 15-17.  And they have specific drive that you can take, that has been named the Bluebonnet Trails, which are open from April 1-30.  Their website has a map you can download, that takes you through several of the fields found throughout the city.  Now I’ve never been their myself but you can find all this information and more on their website, if you are so inclined.  🙂 
OR you can just do what we did and drive around our lovely state until you find some! 🙂

The Weekend {Easter Edition}

Happy Easter friends!  I hope each and every one of you had a fantastic Easter weekend.  Mine was fabulous.  Especially since we were given a three day weekend to celebrate Good Friday.

Here were the highlights….


– Slept as late as my internal clock would allow me.  Which sadly wasn’t late at all.

-Enjoyed coffee in bed and a photo shoot with Sadie.  She as sitting on my window and sun bathing.  It was adorable.

– Chick-fil-a for lunch.

– A trip to J Crew Factory where I picked up the most comfortable maxi skirt EVER.  You can see it here and on Instagram later today!

– Started watching a new TV show, Teachers.

– Enjoyed my awesome mail day from Thursday.  I’m OBSESSED with my new phone case that  I finally ordered.  Seriously if y’all need a new one I highly recommend Caseitfy.  The case is so sturdy and absolutely gorgeous.  The toughest thing was picking my favorite and I am so happy with my choice.  Oh and I got Girl Scout cookies in the mail.  And they are delicious.


– Found the PERFECT field of blue bonnets and took some pictures of a co-worker and her future hubby.  Ya’ll I think these are my favorite pictures so far.  Blue bonnets make the perfect back drop.  And she was super sweet and took some pictures of me!  Here’s a preview.

– Had some fun with Snapchat and the lipstick I was wearing.  That “beauty” filter is by far my favorite.  But y’all, I’m slowing but surely getting obsessed with that particular form of social media.  Follow me here: Kalady88.
– Spent the rest of the afternoon and night at my friend Monica’s house.  She and I went to college together and she’s my college bestie.  She had my first niece Charley almost two years ago and is currently pregnant with her second baby!  It’s boy this time and we are so excited! 


– I wish I could say I went to church, but I just have not found one that I totally love yet.  I’m still looking.

– Finally started to enjoy my latest read.  I’m currently reading YOU by Caroline Kepnes.  It started so slow and I wasn’t really loving it, but it is finally getting good.  So naturally all I want to do it read.

– Went to Easter lunch at a friend house.  She put together a really great lunch and a ton of fun activities for everyone who attended.  The kids present had a blast and so did all the adults.

– Edited photos and got some blog posts prepped for the week!

– Ate pizza rolls for dinner.

– Made a HUGE decision in terms of decorating for my apartment.  After much deliberation and discussion with multiple people, I’ve decided that rather than buy a brand new couch, I am going to completely refurbish the vintage couch that my roommate found on the side of the road! BAH!!! I’m so nervous.  I so want this to look super cute and stylish and amazing.  And I’m terrified it won’t.  Thankfully Jenny said she would 100% help me so we have a pretty exciting project ahead of us.  And yes…..the entire process WILL be blogged about.


Very busy and fun Easter was had on my part.  I do wish I had attended church but I just haven’t found one that I’m 100% comfortable in.  I’m hoping I find one soon.  I think that would have made my Easter even better than what it was!

Now to tackle this Monday!  Linking up with Biana!

Confession Thursday [Vol. 2]


// I had a big scare at work this week.  To make a long story short, I was told that the enrollment numbers at our school were going down and so the school was going to have to say goodbye to four teachers.  And guess who was one of those teachers.  Yep, ME.  It was one of the last hired, first fired kinda deals.  Only I wasn’t fired, I was just going to be relocated to another school.  So thankfully I still had a job but I was just going to have to re-interview, move all my crap, and get to know a whole new group of teachers.  Not ideal in the least.  Thankfully another teacher in our department volunteered to go on the list, so I’m safe.  Still it was a very stressful 24 hours!

// Even though we just finished Spring Break, I’m so glad we don’t have school tomorrow.  I wish three day weekends were a regular occurrence.

// We have state testing next week and I’m secretly excited because it means we can watch a movie and I don’t have to actually teach anything! (sorry if that makes me sound like a bad teacher!)

// I watched the trailer for the new Bridget Jones movie last night and loved it!  YES there is another one coming out and I am so excited.  I love those movies and am excited to see this one.  It’s called Bridget Jones’s Baby.  Here’s the trailer….

// I finally bought a new phone case and have been anxiously awaiting its arrival.
// I fell asleep on the couch at 7pm on Tuesday night.  No idea why I’m so tired.  
// I get annoyed when one of my cats is being extra needy.  Which is weird because cats are not generally needy animals, but when they are its so annoying.  Like right now I’m trying to type this and Sadie keeps rubbing her head on my hands making it impossible for me to type!
// When I wake up from naps I’m pretty cranky.  (It happened yesterday) Which is why I don’t take naps.
// I’m getting bored with my hair and am seriously considering chopping it off but then I think about how it finally looks good when I curl it and I change my mind.  But then think about chopping it off again.  What should I do?!
// The only thing I’ve done this week on the are link ups.  Does that make me a bad blogger? Probably.
// I’ve been listening to Bryan Adams on repeat.  I’ve been obsessed with his raspy voice lately.  Plus his song “Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman” is my all time favorite song.  like EVER.  (Sidenote: he looks super old nowadays)
********And that’s a wrap on Confession session for this week! Till tomorrow friends! 🙂

Your Next Favorite Book: Spring Break Reads

Over Spring Break I had a list of books I wanted to read.  And since I wasn’t going to be going out of town I had plenty of time to get through lots of them.  So today I bring you the review of the all of said books!  (Well save for the one I read for my blogger book club.  That one is coming to you next week.)

So I read just about anything.  I like most genres and so these three book have absolutely nothing in common.  Well the lat two do in that they are YA novels and both can be considered fantasy.   But that’s about it.  🙂

GoodReads synopsis:  The arrogant Duke of Trent intends to marry a well-bred Englishwoman. The last woman he would ever consider marrying is the adventuresome Merry Pelford— an American heiress who has infamously jilted two fiancés.

But after one provocative encounter with the captivating Merry, Trent desires her more than any woman he has ever met. He is determined to have her as his wife, no matter what it takes. And Trent is a man who always gets what he wants.

The problem is, Merry is already betrothed, and the former runaway bride has vowed to make it all the way to the altar. As honor clashes with irresistible passion, Trent realizes the stakes are higher than anyone could have imagined. In his battle to save Merry and win her heart, one thing becomes clear:

All is fair in love and war.

My thoughts:  Ok confession.  I’m a HUGE fan of cheesy, ridiculous, eye-rolling historical romance novels.  I don’t think I’ve ever actually said that on the blog.  Yes, I’m a tad embarrassed to admit it, but now it’s out there and I can’t take it back.  So, this book was a super fun and easy read.  I’m pretty sure I could have read the entire thing in a day but I made myself slow does so I could enjoy it more.  The story was easy and fun to follow along with.  I loved that there were bits of American history thrown into the mix, which is appropriate since it’s about an American girl become a duchesses (which secretly may be a dream of mine! lol).  For example, Merry gets a dog and names him George, after George Washington.  And since I teach the first part of American History I thoroughly enjoyed those bits.  
So if you’re looking for a completely fluffy, romance novel….I suggest you read this one! 🙂

GoodReads synopsis: “You must never do anything that might expose our secret. This means that, in general, you cannot form close bonds with humans. You can speak to us, and you can always commune with the Ocean, but you are deadly to humans. You are, essentially, a weapon. A very beautiful weapon. I won’t lie to you, it can be a lonely existence, but once you are done, you get to live. All you have to give, for now, is obedience and time…” 

The same speech has been given hundreds of times to hundreds of beautiful girls who enter the sisterhood of sirens. Kahlen has lived by these rules for years now, patiently waiting for the life she can call her own. But when Akinli, a human, enters her world, she can’t bring herself to live by the rules anymore. Suddenly the life she’s been waiting for doesn’t seem nearly as important as the one she’s living now.

My thoughts:  I loved the Selection series by this same author.  And I really really wanted to love this one too.  But…I hated it.  I just could not get on board with the storyline.  I didn’t feel like any of the characters (starring or supporting) were fully developed and the storyline itself fell flat for me.  Which was so disappointing because like I said, the Selection series is by far one of my all time favorites (you can read my review here)!  But yeah, I read it in an entire day so it is a very easy read.  But I just wasn’t a fan.

GoodReads Synopsis: She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.

Celaena Sardothien has survived deadly contests and shattering heartbreak—but at an unspeakable cost. Now she must travel to a new land to confront her darkest truth…a truth about her heritage that could change her life—and her future—forever.

Meanwhile, brutal and monstrous forces are gathering on the horizon, intent on enslaving her world. To defeat them, Celaena must find the strength to not only fight her inner demons but to battle the evil that is about to be unleashed.

My thoughts:  This is the third book in the Throne of Glass series.  I have loved reading Calaena’s story.  It is a very well thought out series so far and I’m really liking it.  But the third book in the series was a little bit of a struggle to get through for me.  I didn’t much enjoy the chapters where it was just Calaena, mostly because it was a lot of poor pitiful me chapters, that is until she got over herself and started acting like a badass again.  Which I loved!  Sadly though that doesn’t happen until the last third of the book.  Now, the chapters that were not solely about Calaena I loved!  I especially loved the chapters that described the coven of witches that are now going to be a large part of the over all series.  They were so good.  Now obviously I will be reading all the rest of these books.  I believe there are going to be 6.  In fact I will be starting the 4th one this weekend.  But I won’t lie and say that the third installment was my favorite because it definitely wasn’t.  Still very good and worth reading (obviously) because of story development for the entire series.  
I’m actually really excited to see how this story pans out.  
Alrighty friends, there ya have it.  So far I’ve read 11 books in 2016, which means I’m almost met 1/4 of my goal.  Not too bad if you ask me! Especially considering it’s only March! 
Have a great Wednesday! Linking up with Jenn and Jess!

The Weekend {Birthday Edition}

Spring Break is over.  And I was 100% not ready to go back to school.  It is so tough going back to work after having been off for an extended period of time.  Thankfully we only have four days of work and then a three day weekend.  Yay for Good Friday! 🙂

While Spring Break may be over, Spring if officially upon us! Although you wouldn’t have known it yesterday because it was cold and windy all day.  Sunny, but cold.  Nonetheless I am so happy to say hello to my favorite season!

Alrighty, on to the goods!  Here were the highlight from my weekend!


-Celebrated my birthday!  Y’all really know how to make a girl feel special!  Thank you all so much for the sweet birthday comments, not only on the blog but on Instagram too.  I have a feeling 28 is gonna be pretty great! 🙂

 – Treated myself to a manicure at my favorite nail salon.

– Had a delicious birthday dinner with some friends at a restaurant here in Houston called Taste of Texas.  It’s a steakhouse and is, you guessed, it Texas themed.  My steak and creme brûlée dessert were delicious!


– Got up bright and early and headed to College Station to visit with my uncle and aunt.

– Visited the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum.  It was so neat!  I learned a ton of information about our 41st President that I didn’t know about.  Like did y’all know he was the US Ambassador to the United Nations AND the head of the CIA before he was Vice President and then President.  Yeah me neither!  The museum is very well done and gives you a ton of great history about the Bush family.  Really makes you stop and think about the current election season lemme tell you.

– Went to a Texas A&M Women’s Basketball March Madness game.  My uncle and aunt wanted to attend so I went along.  They won which was good and it was fun to be back in college setting! Oh how I miss it!

– Dinner at BJs Brewhouse.  I am a big fan of BJs and it didn’t disappoint.  We had their trio of pazookies for dessert and they were AH-MAZING!  I think the White Chocolate Macadamia Nut was my personal favorite. (My mouth is watering just typing that. So good!)


– Had more great catch up time with the family over coffee and quiche.

– Went shopping with my aunt.  Target and Old Navy were our stores of choice.  I ended buying two dresses (the blue on from my Birthday Wish List.  I got it in white too), a pair of black work pants, and some presents for my two nieces! They both have birthday coming up soon.

– After lunch I headed back to Katy and really loved the drive.  All the Texas wildflowers are in bloom right now.  So the drive was so pretty!  Bluebonnets, Indian Paint Brushes and some yellow flower completely cover the ground right now and it is gorgeous.  I even pulled over to snap a few pictures because hello…Instagram! 🙂

– Put together on of my IKEA buys from earlier in the week.  I bought a new bookshelf for my room and like it so much better than the one I originally bought for my room.  

– Watched the movie Brooklyn.  SUCH a good film.  I 100% see why it was nominated for Best Picture and for Best Actress for the girl who played the main character.  I’m planning to add the book the movie is based on to my GoodReads list.


Man, pretty busy weekend! Actually my weekend was busier then the whole of my Spring Break.  It was a very low key and relaxing.  I honestly didn’t have much human interaction during the week, which was weird but not terrible.  Definitely made me think about what it’s going to be like when I live alone in a few months.  But more on that later.

Hope your weekends were just as eventful as mine! Happy Monday! 🙂

Linking up with Biana!

It’s My Birthday!

Happy Friday friends!  Today is particularly fabulous Friday because…IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!  I am officially 28 years old and smack dab in the middle of my late 20s.  I just know this is going to be my best year yet.  Even if I am one year closer to 30! BAH! So weird! 
Now since it is Friday I’m not going to break with tradition but I am going to make this a themed Oh Hey Friday!  So here are 5 things I’m most looking forward to about my 28th year of life! 🙂
[one] Living by myself for the first time EVER!!   I used this before but it’s still true.  I’ve never lived completely alone before and that is happening while I’m 28!  It’s a big deal.  I’ve gotten tastes of here and there in the last few months and I’m not sure how I feel about it anymore.  Stay tuned for more on the is subject in the coming weeks!
[two]  Visiting our nations capitol.  I will be visiting Washington DC in a few months.  As a history major/ US History teacher.  I feel this should have happened ages ago but I am so excited that it’s finally happening now.  I cannot wait too see the city where out nation is run from. 
[three] Maybe, possibly, hopefully meeting my person.  I know I know.  I shouldn’t wish for it because I’m gonna meet him when I least expect it if I stop looking.  But y’all I can’t help it.  I’m so ready to meet my person that I can’t stand it.  So please hope that it happens for me while 28.  I’m not getting any younger! 🙂
[four] Reading 100 or more books.  I’ve become more obsessed with reading than I already am lately so I’m looking forward to surpassing my 2016 goal of 50 books.  I want to read 100 or more while I’m 28.  

[five] Creating and completing a 28 in 28 challenge for myself.  Ive seen these floating around and I think it’s finally time for me to make one.  So I’m currently creating a 28 things I want to do in my 28th year.  And I’ll be sharing that next week on the blog!

HERE’S TO 28!!!! 
I just love these birthday pictures!  Ashley from The Wandering Weekenders and I took them on our mural day a few weekends ago.  THANK YOU Ashley for agreeing to take part in these fun pictures and for snapping these for me! 🙂  
Have a great Friday friends!  It’s my birthday so I know I will! 🙂

Linking up for Oh Hey Friday!

28 Things That Make Me Happy

A few months ago I was browsing blogs when I stumbled on a tag entitled, “50 Things That Make Me Happy”.  If I’m honest I can’t remember which blog I first saw it on, so sorry for that.  But it has been sitting in my drafts for months now.  But this week I’m doing birthday inspired posts, so I figured I would change the number in honor of the fact that I will be turning 28!  
(Plus I love posts like this!  They’re so fun!)
[one] Fresh flowers. Particularly peony’s, stock blossoms, hycinthias, and hydrangeas.
[two] Reece’s peanut butter cups (or pumpkins or eggs, or minis)
[three] a fresh mani/pedi

[four] Instagram
[five] The chicken strips from the Target deli.  Seriously those little babies are delicious!  If you’ve never had them make it a priority and do it. 
[six] Leonardo DiCaprio and his movies. Yes, even though his movies aren’t exactly “feel good”.
[seven] The color pink

[eight] My fur babies, Sadie and Brady
[nine] My best friends.  People tease me because I don’t just have one best friend.  I consider several girls my “best friends” and they are…..Ashley, Abby, Jenny, Suzanne, Ashtyn, Monica, Jordan, Kelly, Katie, and Whitney.  Do I see these ladies everyday?  Do I talk to them everyday?  No, I don’t.  But I do know that I would not be there person I am if not for each and every one of them.  So thank you girls, I cannot imagine life without any of you.
[ten] Blogging. My blog and my blogger friends!
[eleven] Clothes from the following stores: Old Navy, Target, J Crew Factory, and Francesca’s

[twelve] Coffee first thing in the morning

[thirteen] Taking pictures and looking at pictures I’ve taken

[fourteen] Chick-fil-a

[fifteen] BOOKS!

[sixteen] Getting my hair done.  Seriously it is one of the best parts of being a girl.

[seventeen] Not having to set an alarm

[eighteen] Traveling

[nineteen] All things DISNEY

[twenty] Afternoon Tea

[twenty one] Clean sheets and a clean room

[twenty two] Harry Potter
[twenty three] Floral scented candles

[twenty four] Going to the movies

[twenty five] Singing in the car

[twenty six] Spring days and eventually summer nights

[twenty seven] Avocados!!!

[twenty eight] My family 

Well it was kinda hard to stop at just 28.  But there ya have it.  Feel free to use this on your own blog!   And let me know if you do because like I said, these are some of my favorite posts to read! 🙂
Linking up with Jenn and Jess for What’s Ha-“Pinning”!

Birthday Wish List

In honor of my birthday week. I thought it would be fun to throw together a little birthday wish list. I did this at Christmas and it was a lot of fun.  Love putting together these silly little collages! 🙂  
Here it is!

// Old Navy dresses.  Per usual Old Navy has some super cute spring items out that I have my eye on.  I’m pretty sure I can create my entire Spring/Summer line up with Old Navy clothes.  These were just two of my favorites.

// Kendra Scott necklace and earrings.  These were the items I found for myself at Kendra Scott, when Ashley and I had our second blate.  I love how simple and classic both pieces are.  I’m more into the simple and delicate look when it comes to jewelry and these to fit the bill just perfectly.   (One of these will probably be purchased with my birthday 50% off coupon!)

// Throw Pillows.  Thanks to Pinterest I recently stumbled on a new home good site that I’m obsessed with.  Sadly most of the items are just a tad a lot out of my price range.  But I love the print and color of these custom pillows.  I think they would look perfect in my new apartment come July.  Sadly they are $165 a piece!!! I just can’t justify that.  Fingers  crossed I can find something similar at Home Goods or something.

// Toms Wedges.  I mentioned these once already and I’m doing it again because of how much I like them.  Seriously they are the perfect height so darn cute.  I need them in my life like woah.  Their from Nordstroms and I do have a gift card from Christmas that I still haven’t used.  So these may also be something I purchase for myself! 🙂

//New phone case.  I’ve been searching for a new phone case for months now and I finally found I really like.  I’ve been wanting something with florals on it and Caseify has some really pretty options.  (Confession:  I bought the one you see in the picture yesterday.  I couldn’t wait!)

// Mobi Wifi Enabled SD Card.  I’m really interested in trying out one of the wifi enabled SD cards for my DSLR camera.  Meg from Everyday Meg, had one at the Thrive Blog Conference and so they were instantly able to upload her pictures to Instagram because she could instantly download them to her iPad (you can also download it to your phone!).  Love that idea. Especially with how obsessed I am with Instagram! 🙂 (Not pictured cuz I forgot!)

Well there ya have it friends.  Just a few things I wouldn’t mind having in honor of turning 28 this Friday! 🙂

Also wanted to send a quick shout out to Courtney from Alkeks Abroad.  She is a fellow Texan, fellow Texas State alumni, and currently lives in Australia with her hubby and today is her BIRTHDAY!! So Happy Birthday Courtney! 🙂

Have a great Tuesday! 🙂