A Picture a Day (Week 8)

The week is finally coming to an end.I dunno about y’all but for me this week felt super long.
Luckily I have a 3 day weekend to relax and recharge my batteries.
Now before I share some pictures from the week, I have a funny story.
Yesterday my roommate and I decided to treat ourselves with a mani/pedi day.(I haven’t had either since December so it was def needed).Before my little break in getting mani/pedi’s,  I had gone to this place on a fairly regular basis.So when I walked in one of the manicurists (he’s a guy) recognized me and commented on the fact that it had been awhile since I’d been in.
I’m waiting in the massage chairs waiting for my turn (my roommate was already being worked on), when the guy who recognized me came and started on my feet. 
To make a long story short, this guy basically spent the entire time flirting with me.He asked why I hadn’t been in, when  my days off were, awkwardly stared at me while he was massaging my legs and feet and then proceeded to tell me that he was off on Tuesday, which I just responded to with, “That’s nice!”
The entire time he’s asking all the questions I could barely understand what he was saying and I kept exchanging looks with my roommate, who couldn’t stop giggling.
So when we were done and waiting for our nails to dry I had to make sure I wasn’t just imagining things.So I asked my roommate and I hadn’t even finished my question when she said,”Oh yeah, he was flirting and it was awkward.”
It was definitely the strangest mani/pedi I’ve ever had.But they turned out great, so I’ll be going back.Still it was weird.
Alrighty now to share my 8th week in my Picture a Day project! 🙂

2/20/12:  Roommate night out at Joe’s Crab Shack.  We had the stream buckets!Love me some crabs. 🙂
2/21/12:  Finally found a Sonic in Florida.  Unfortunately it’s too far from my apartment to get more than once a month.  Still though it felt so good to hold that foam cup in my hands.
2/22/12:  Cocoa Beach was calling our names. 

2/23/12:  First trip to Whole Foods.  I was def out of my element.  Oh and I had the tomato basil soup.  My taste buds did NOT enjoy it. 
2/24/12:  Went to the YES offices in Celebration and found this little baby! Totally loving my job!
2/25/12:  Had a going away breakfast for my friend Jana at Chef Mickey’s! Gotta love those Disney character breakfasts!

2/26/12:  It’s OSCAR NIGHT!  One of my favorite nights of the year.  

Well I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend! 🙂
PS.  I finally created a Facebook book page for this little blog of mine!So click HERE and show me some love! 🙂

Prayers Are Needed

A couple of nights ago I got a Facebook message from an old teacher turned good friend, Micha.
She was my high school History teacher when I was in the 10th grade.And was one of my all time favorites.While in her class she found out that I had taken a babysitting class and soon into the school year she asked me to babysit her son.  He was only about 6 months old when I started sitting for her and I stayed his sitter until I graduated high school.
She later went on to marry another of my favorite teachers soon after I graduated and they now have two children together, RJ and Katie.
Here they are!

So I went off to college and we stayed in touch throughout my time in school.
Almost 1 year ago,  I got a different message from her updating me on everyone.RJ had been having lots of headaches and his eyes had started crossing for no reason at all.So she took him to the doctor and that is when they found out that RJ had a tumor in his brain.RJ was only 3 at the time.
In March he had brain surgery and they were able to remove all of the tumor.But he still had to go through radiation and chemo.
So we get into May and I receive another update from Micha but this time she asks me a question.They had been traveling between home and Dallas (where RJ was getting his treatment) and they would be home for 3 weeks at the end of May.Micha and her husband both had to finish up at school for the year and didn’t want to put RJ into day care because his immune system was so low.They asked me if I would come and stay at their house and watch RJ (and Katie) during the day.Of course I said yes.I had nothing to do between graduation and moving to Florida and I wanted to help them out any way I could.
In the 3 weeks I was with those two sweet kids, I completely fell in love.It was really hard to say goodbye to them.We even joked that I could just live with them and be their nanny forever.
In about August they found out that RJ had another tumor in his spine.So they began been doing more chemo/radiation in hopes of shrinking the tumor.They had a Tot Run to help raise money.I couldn’t be there, but my mom and brother went and ran.

Two nights ago I got the most recent update on him from Micha.RJ had an MRI on Tuesday and they got the results Wednesday.Turns out the tumor on his spine had gotten larger, there are two others on his spine, and he has another in his brain.
His chances are now 50/50 with more chemo/radiation.  But other than that, there are no other options.And the doctors tell them this is his last chance to recover.
When I read her message I just kind of sat there and stared at my computer screen for a while.I cried and thought to myself how unfair the whole thing was.
He’s just a little boy.He hasn’t even had the chance to really live yet.How could this happen?
But I know God has a plan for everything.And even though we may not understand it, everything happens for a reason.
I’m sorry for the depressing post, but I needed to share this.
I love this family and am so heartbroken for them.  
Prayers are definitely needed for this sweet little boy! 


Y’all are the BEST! :)

Today when I logged onto blogger I got a very pleasant surprise!
I have FINALLY reached 100 FOLLOWERS!
Y’all have no idea how long I’ve waited to see that number on my Dashboard.Because honestly I never thought I would.
I started this blog as a way to remember everything I’ve done/will do.And I am so glad I did.
You all have been amazing and I appreciate and adore each and everyone of you.
Thanks for following!

Week in Pictures

Sorry about being a tad absentee last week.No reason in particular just never sat down and actually typed anything last week.
But here I am!
Last week was pretty unspectacular.Nothin terribly exciting to report.So lets jump right into my week in pictures.(ie. My picture a day for 2012)

2/13/12:  My roommate got her 1 year pin.  That’s working for the Disney Company for 1 year.
Even though we’ve both actually been working for the company for 4 years.
2/14/12:  Valentine’s Day!  
My roommate Sara made these Valentines Day bouquets for us.
The white rose came from a guest at the Magic Kingdom. 
 I was leaving work and she stopped me, handed me the rose and told me to have a Happy Valentines day.  
I couldn’t believe it.
It almost made me cry.
Then hugged me and told me to have a blessed day.
Both of the things in that picture def made my Valentines day better than I expected it to be!
2/15/12:  Had dinner with some great friends!
2/16/12:  Please meet Candy the Keurig, the newest addition to my kitchen.
I’ve wanted on of these babies for FOREVER and now I have one!

2/17/12:  Yes another picture of my planner.   This thing has been my best friend this year. 
Seriously don’t know how I’ve gotten by this long without one.
2/18/12:  Harry is the laziest dog in the world. Seriously this is what he does 95% of the day.
He’s a great snuggler though.
2/19/12:  And this is further proof that I am now an adult.
I bought my very first vacuum!  
She needs a name too I think! 🙂
So I still can’t figure out how to make these pictures any bigger.
Well I hope you all have a great Monday!  

Today’s Valentines Day?

Happy Valentine’s Day friends.I hope you all have a lovely day.
Ok now that that is out of the way I just have to say:Valentine’s Day is NOT my favorite holiday.And YES I only feel that way because I don’t have anyone to share the day with.If I did I can assure you I would feel completely different.But alas I am as single as single can get.With no prospects. (Today is the one and only day I will feel sorry for myself, I promise!)
So in honor of the very lonely Valentine’s Day please enjoy these Valentine’s Day quotes via everyone’s favorite site, Pinterest!

The last one is what is going to keep me going today.
But I hope that all of you who have a special someone have the Best Valentines Day EVER!One day I’ll have it too!(I hope!)
Now I’m off to stuff my face with chocolate that  had to buy for myself,
I promise after today, I’ll be back to my bubbly, shiny self!Photobucket

I Need to Plan Better

I think I need to plan this particular post better.
It’s a post that happens every week.And should happen on Mondays, yet I can’t seem to get my stuff together to actually publish the post on Mondays. So I’m gonna work on that.
At least I’m posting it today (granted it’s fairly late and I highly doubt anyone is actually gonna read it at this time of night.)   But it is what it is.
The weekend was amazing.  I did absolutely NOTHING!Seriously, I spent most of the weekend on my bed watching Netflix and catching up on shows I missed from the week.It was perfect.Exactly what I needed to recharge my batteries.
As I said I was going to do, I went and saw The Vow this weekend! 🙂
It was great! I cried, I laughed, I drooled over Channing Tatum (and still am), I did everything else you should do when watching a chick flick.Now I do think they could have developed their (Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams) relationship a tad more in the beginning of the film.They just kinda of threw you into it.But for me it worked. In fact I wanted more when the movie ended. More of their story.  Because it really is a beautiful and terribly sad story.Imagine losing the last 5 years of your life.My roommate and I talked about it.If I lost the last 5 years of my memory, I’d be a freshman in college.And there are so many things I regret from that year.I had some great times, but it was also a pretty difficult time for me.If the last 5 years of my life was erased from my memory: I wouldn’t have ever have come to Disney, I never would have met all the amazing people I did, and I may never have become a teacher. Isn’t that a terrifying thought! Blegh, no thanks.
So…I saw go see The Vow if you love chick flicks, if you want a good cry, and if you want to see Channing Tatum’s very nice and tones body/bottom! 🙂
Alrighty, now onto my week in pictures:

(I need to figure out how to make these pictures bigger. Sorry!)
2/6/12:  Flower from the Polynesian.  The flowers at WDW are truly amazing.
2/7/12: Yeah I had sushi AGAIN.  I think I had a problem.
2/8/12:  3 of 6 great friends together again! 🙂

 2/9/12:  ECGR BF!  I miss the plaid but am loving the YES Program.2/10/12: We saw The Vow. 🙂  2/11/12: Millenium Cultures training group photo. (This wasn’t taken on this day but I got the photo on this day.)2/12/12: Went to the mall and all that came out of the trip was a Birthday Cake Remix from Cold Stone.
And now it’s bedtime.Hope you all had a great Monday!

My Week in Pictures (Last week I mean)

Hello hello lovelies!So I’m a day off on my scheduled posts.womp womp.
I’ve been trying my hardest to use my new planner to plan out posts and it’s been working great.Until this last week.I’ve literally been falling asleep at around 7:30 or 8 every night.I feel like such a grandma!
But luckily today was my very last day of training. So I will be back on a normal schedule with real days off!And hopefully back to regular postings.
For now here what I should be sharing with y’all on Mondays.My update for my Year in Pictures!I’m still going strong, but I may or may not have posted 3 days worth of pictures in 1 day.Fail.But hey at least I’m taking a picture a day, right.They rules don’t say POST a picture a day they just say TAKE a picture a day.See it’s all in the wording.
So here we go:

1/30/12: My nook updated itself and I can now stream Netflix!  This thing goes with me EVERYWHERE!
1/31/12:  I lost my voice last week and my tea pot and tea became my best friends.

2/1/12:  After my very bad day at work.  Suzanne and I went for sushi. Enough said.
2/2/12: This is what happens when the dishwasher doesn’t get run in our apartment. We use measuring spoons as utensils. 

2/3/12:  Back at Epcot! Felt so good to be back.
2/4/12:  This picture doesn’t even need an explanation. 

2/5/12: Best part about training in Epcot is getting to have lunch in the World Showcase. Quiche and a strawberry tart from France!  Oh and that is my new lucky cat from Japan. I found him on the floor.  
(Sorry those last 3 are so small.  Can’t seem to get it any bigger. fail.)
I’m really loving this project.  It’s going to be a great album to have when I’m all done on December 31, 2012.  
Know what else I’m loving? All my new followers!I’m almost at 100..which is just crazy.I really do appreciate each and everyone of you!Thank you so much for supporting this little space of mine!
Till tomorrow! Photobucket

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Happy Super Bowl Sunday ladies!
Bah…who am I kidding, I don’t give a fig about the Super Bowl.Isn’t that terrible.Maybe if I had a boy I would care but I don’t so there we are.
Man, I don’t think I’ve ever been as tired as I have been the last few days.  Seriously my last full on day off was January 22.I’ve had nonstop training the last week and it goes straight through this week.Then I finally have a day off this Friday! (Saturday and Sunday too! WooHoo).
Let me tell you about the last few days.
So the last program I learned was another Physics program called Energy and Waves.We talk about sound and light energy and their respective modes of transit. (IE. Waves).Now I know I’ve said this before but it bear repeating….I HATE SCIENCE.There is a reason I majored in History and English.My brain does not, in any way, shape or form think scientifically!
And for some reason the portion of the program where we talk about light energy and waves, totally and completely kicked my booty!It was TERRIBLE!For the life of me, I could not explain to my group how the electromagnetic spectrum and artificial UV light worked.I got so frustrated, then flustered and finally embarrassed that I bursted into tears, in front of my trainer and in the middle of the Magic Kingdom park.Then I cried on the way home, then to my roommate and finally to my Dad.Luckily the latter two made me feel 100% better and we had sushi to make me feel even better.I did that portion of the program for Suzanne and it finally clicked because I connected the science to a story.And WA-LA it clicked.Nn the last day of training, I ROCKED IT! 🙂
So then, I immediately started training for the third and final program I will be learning, Millennium Cultures.Which is by far my favorite!It’s my in my comfort zone and best part?NO SCIENCE! Plus, the program is done at EPCOT so I get to see my Guest Relations family all the time.Big perk there.
Ok enough work talk. Sorry this is a wordy post, but every once and a while you need a wordy post.
So, the last thing I want to share with you all on this fine Saturday is another movie review.
I can now check another movie off my “Movies to See List”.And after seeing this movie I can now say I’ve seen 5 of the 10 Best Picture nominated films at this years Oscars.
Alrighty yesterday I saw:

This movie is one of the biggest tear jerkers I’ve seen in a long time.I think I cried every three scenes or so.I can completely see why it was nominated for Best Picture.The movie follows Oscar, as he searches for the lock that fits he finds in his deceased fathers closet one year after his death in the World Trade Centers on 9/11.
The movie will make you laugh (well it’ll make you chuckle between sniffles), it will make you cry (obviously), it will make you take a look at your relationships with the people in your lives and what those relationships mean, and it will even make you think of all the people you don’t know in the world.
The film really shows you how even after 10 years, 9/11 is still a very tender subject to people. I know this because I don’t think there was a dry eye in my theatre.
So overall I give this movie 5 stars.
Thomas Horn (the boy who plays Oskar) totally and completely carries and steals the entire movie.  He is fantastic.  Then again so is Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock, but that is not surprising at all I’m sure.
Go see it. You won’t regret it! Oh and bring some Kleenex. You’ll need it.
Hope you all had a great weekend! 

Just a Quickie.

Hello pretty ladies!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!Mine was pretty good.  I started training for my second program and I’m not gonna lie. I’m struggling just a tad.Not with the whole thing, just certain portions.But I’m def having to study the content.Blegh.It reminds me of why I HATE Physics.
On another work note, I will be working for the next 13 days straight.Yep, that’s right. No day off until next Friday.Just thinking about it makes me cringe inside.
Yesterday I missed showing y’all my week of pictures.So here they are!

1. 1/22/12:  Day spent in Celebration, FL.  My future home.
2. 1/23/12:  Celebrated 4 years with the Disney Company and got my Disney “School Picture” taken.
3. 1/24/12:  New puppy and mommy bonded already!
4. 1/25/12:  Movie night with Suz.  AMC is like my second home.

5. 1/26/12: Dinner at the Polynesian with a new friend and an old friend.
6. 1/27/12: Saw Wishes for the first time in the new year.  
7. 1/28/12:  Picked up a shift in Guest Relations and saw my ECGR bestie (for all of 5 secs!)
8. 1/29/12:  I found this pin at Downtown Disney and it made me think of my best friend in California.
She loves Cruelle and I miss her.

Alrighty ladies.
I’m keeping this one short and sweet!
I’m fixin to go drink about a gallon of hot tea and honey because I’ve almost completely lost my voice.
No idea why or how.
But it’s gone.
It is no bueno, especially considering I have to talk…A LOT in my job.
Off I go! 
