What a Month!

Hello friends! Yes I’ve been absent for the entire month of June, after doing a pretty good job of blogging the majority of May.  But y’all, let me tell you.  June was the month of CHANGE for me.  And I’m not talking new hair cut or new make up routine change.  I’m talking major LIFE CHANGES!
So where to begin.
Well first, the next year I will be living in a brand new house! I’ll have 4 roommates,  so 5 total living in the house.  I’m sure that sounds like a lot but it’s a pretty big house with tons of room!  Plus we’ll all be working different work schedules, so while we’ll definitely have times when we’re all home it’ll be interesting to see how often we’re all together.

Here is an outside picture of our new home.

It will be amazing to not living in an apartment.  I’ll post more pictures once we’re actually moved in, which will be mid-July (2 weeks!), but it’s far from all the touristy spots, in an actual neighborhood, we’ll have a real mailbox,  and there’s a Target AND a Barnes and Noble less than 10 minutes away.  Thank the lord! 🙂


Ok second big change is I made my first real big girl purchase!  Yes, that’s right I bought a brand new CAR!  My little blue Sunfire finally went out on me.  Well actually I could have gotten it fixed, but it was gonna cost about $600 and my parents and I had already put WAY more money into it than it was worth.  So I made the leap and bought a new one!

It’s a 2011 Toyota Corolla and I am in LOVE.  The color is magnetic grey and therefore I have christened him Grayson.

Y’all I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to actually get into my car and not worry about whether or not its going to start, or break down again, or have a tire blow out.  He is so much roomier than my Sunfire and is way more attractive on the outside.  Grayson has yet to make his first official road trip, but as soon as life settles down a little I’m hoping to take him on a nice little vacation.


The biggest news I have to share involves my job.  As many of you know I work for Disney.  Have worked for Disney for the last 2 years.  It’s actually one of the reasons I started this little ol blog of mine.  It’s been a good job and I’ve loved working for such a world renowned company.  But my job is changing and I’m not sure I’m liking the changes that are being made.  Add to that the fact that I now have two new items to add to my list of bills every month (car insurance AND a car payment) I started to realize that maybe I was ready for something different.

The night I started looking into buying a new car is the night that I made a huge career decision.  I jumped on the Orange County Public School website and started looking for open History positions. And y’all.  Within a week of applying for the jobs…I GOT ONE!!

Yep that’s right.  You are now going to be reading the blog of a 10th grade World History teacher!  It’s been about 3 weeks since I was offered the job and I am still in a little bit of shock.  I decided I wanted to try living in Florida without having Disney at the center of my reason for being here.  I’m still going to be seasonal with Disney, meaning I will still be a Cast Member and get all the benefits of working for the company.

Everyone at work is very excited for me but they all are sad to see me go.  The thing is I’m ready to move on.  I’ve always known I wanted to teach, Disney was just something I wanted to do before I fully committed to teaching.  Well that time has come and gone and I am so ready to start this brand new chapter.

I’m going do my best to keep up with blogging.  I mean obviously I’ve done a great job of it this summer.  But I really am going to keep y’all in the loop on teaching.  This blog of mine has always been something I’ve done while living in Florida and I don’t want to stop now.  You just may see a shift in the content.  🙂  Which is what this blog is dedicated too, marking all the places I will go.  : )