Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wow it has been way to long since I’ve blogged.  It has been a crazy week.  I’m almost done with school and right now it is Thanksgiving break! I’m currently at my grandmother’s house with my family. 

I’ll post pictures later, but for now let me just say……..

I hope you all have a great day with family, friends, and of course all that very yummy FOOD!! I know I’m super excited for all the yummy food my grandmother is making!! : )

Till next time,

Random Thoughts

On this very lazy Saturday here are a few of the things on my mind!
Yes this is very very random post!

1. The fact that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 comes out on Thursday and one of my very best friends, Monica is coming with me!

2. I will be at Disney World for Christmas 4 weeks from now! I cannot wait to be on Main Street USA with Suzanne and Katie looking at Cinderella’s Castle all done up in icicle lights, watching the snow fall on Main Street USA in Magic Kingdom, drinking hot chocolate, watching the Osbourne Spectacle of Dancing Lights, having tea at the Grand Floridian, and generally just having a magical time!

3. Thanksgiving break, where I will spend time stuffing my face and having a fabulous time with my family! All the cousins have a tradition where we go see a movie on that Wednesday night.  And being that we are all Harry Potter nerds, said movie will be HP 7!

4. Getting a new laptop. Soon I will be a mac user!

5. Being finished with the Fall semester! Then I just have one more semester and I am DONE with college, scary and exciting all at the same time. 

6. I really should work on my Correspondence Class.

7. I really want these boots from Target and this jacket from Forever 21:

8. I need a new book to read.  Suggestions welcome!

9. I want some new nail polish.

10. It is pretty chilly in the little yellow house I live in!

Hope that was random enough for you! : )  Till next time!

What next?

Since this blog is supposed to be all about the many opportunities I have ahead of me.  I figured I should dedicate one post to explaining exactly what those opportunities are.  So here goes!

As I have already mentioned, I am getting my degree in History in a Single Teaching Field.  What the heck does that mean? All it means is for my major I took History and Education courses that will allow me to teach 8th grade or high school history.  I’ll be able to teach US or World History.  I plan on also taking the test to get certified in English.  Anyway, right now I am in the middle (or well near end) of my field base observation block at San Marcos High School (Go Rattlers!).  During the field based block I basically just observe teachers, find out the dos and don’t of teaching.  I did get to teach my own lesson on the Panama Canal (yes I rocked it).  But again it is mostly just  a whole bunch of observing and watching 10th and 11th graders make fools of themselves.  Just Kidding.  They are all really fun and I can not wait to take over my own classroom.

So I’ll finish up that in December and then in January I start my actual student teaching.  Where I will get to take over the class and actually teach!  My name is being sent to the Comal ISD, so I could be student teaching at either Canyon High, Canyon Lake High, or Smithson Valley High School.

NOW….as most of my family and friends know, I am a huge mega big time Disney person.  Nothing makes me happier than Disney.  In fact Disney World is where you will find me from December 12-16!  And I’ll be there at CHRISTMAS!! You can’t even imagine my excitement! But that is for another post.  Okay, anyway, way back in 2008, I participated in the Disney College Program and LOVED it! I loved it so much I went back in the summer of 2009.  While I was there I decided I wanted to teach.  Strangely enough though, I also decided that I wanted to work for Disney full time.  Now I absolutely adore teaching.  But I am constantly planning my next trip to Disney.   So, I decided I needed to go back and get it out of my system before I fully commit myself to teaching full time.  That is why I will be applying for a Professional Internship with the Disney Company this spring.  My trip in December to Florida, is to meet with several Disney leaders in the areas that I plan to apply for Internships with.  That way when they get my application they have a face to put to it.

I am so excited and nervous at the same time.  I am pretty confident that I’ll get one.  But there is always a chance I won’t and let me tell you, if I don’t I will probably be a little heart broken and will cry for about a week.  So prepare for that in the event that it happens.  Which I’m praying everyday that it won’t.

So there you go.  That is what I have been thinking about all semester and what I will continue to think about for the rest of 2010 and a tiny part of 2011.  I think 2011 has some exciting things in store for me, and I can’t wait to see what they are.

I’ve heard pictures always make a blog better, so even though they have nothing to do with this blog, here are some fun things I’ve been doing lately.  Starting with a fun night carving pumpkins with my fabulous roommates to spending last night at Wurstfest with some of the funnest people I know! : )

Pumpkin I carved for Halloween!
3 of 4 fabulous roommates!
Wurstfest in New Braunfels!

That’s Dave, Sport, and Bob (Monica’s other half) 30 bucks later Bob finally made a winning shot and won that lovely Scooby Doo! 

That’s all for now!
Hope every one has a fabulous week! : )

And so it begins!

Hello Blog World!

Get ready for the exciting adventures of Kathleen! 

Well at least I hope they will be exciting.  You’re probably wondering why I decided to start a blog.  Well, several of my friends (whom you will be hearing tons about throughout my time blog writing) have blogs and they have inspired me to create my own.  So what will I blog about you ask.  Well, I am 22 years old and a senior in college graduating in May and I have tons of exciting things ahead of me.  I will have a degree in History with a teaching certificate to teach grades 8-12.  I thought it would be fun to write about my time student teaching, the road to graduation, and all the other exciting events that are going to be going on in my life as they happen.  Along the way I’ll throw in random fun moments that happen and anything else that strikes my fancy.

So get ready to enter my crazy life as I enter what my friends and I like to call “big girl” world. 

Here are a few photos of the people in my life, so that when I mention a name, you have a face to put to it! (oh and not everyone I’ll be talking about is pictured here, but it’s only because I don’t have a picture that I really like of us, yet!)

This is me!

 Meet Jenny and Ashley

Meet Whitney, Kelly, Abby, Katie, and Suzanne

 These are the parentals

Meet Monica (she’s gonna hate this picture!)

And this is Drew, my brother!

Happy Friday Blog World!