Hello 2020

The last time I sat down to write a blog post was in June of 2018. I honestly don’t know what happened to turn me away from a hobby that I truly loved for so long but I’m hoping 2020 is the return!

Since my last venture into blog land there have been a few exciting happenings:

  • I moved out of my adorable little apartment that I loved and decorated to perfection, and into a house with two wonderful roommates. Even though I loved my apartment and learned a lot about myself, I realized that I was pretty dang lonely. So when the opportunity
    to have a roommate again presented itself I jumped at the chance!
  • I got a new job at a school I am absolutely loving. I love it so much that I don’t even take days off from work anymore unless it’s because I’m taking a day for travel. This school gave me a fresh outlook on teaching and made me not hate going to work. I was super close to leaving the profession two years ago. In fact, I had applied to and made it to the in person interview to be be a United Flight attendant.
  • I went back to Europe! The destinations were London and Paris with three dear friends. We spent half our time in London and the other half in Paris. It was a great trip because we did things I had never done before in both cities. Including visiting Disneyland Paris!
  • Europe wasn’t my only travel destination the last two years though, I also went to New York, Oregon, Washington, California, Mexico, Florida (this I’m sure surprises no one, because well Disney), and Canada! All of which will have blog posts dedicated to them in the near future.
  • I went on the ELLEN SHOW!!!! By far the most exciting thing of the last two years. My roommate Julie got tickets and graciously asked me to come with her last September! I was in the audience when Demi Moore was the guest and got a little camera time right at the beginning of the show! Again a blog post will be dedicated to this, complete with all the ins and outs of the show behind the scenes!
  • My status as a single lady still hasn’t changed but according to a Facebook quiz I took at the beginning of year (because that’s super reliable, obviously) that should change before 2021. So here’s hoping.

So there ya go, just a few highlights to bring you up to date on my life. If you’ve continued to follow me on Instagram then you’ve gotten a better picture of what my life has been like the last two years. I’m hoping to get back into the swing of blogging this year because I miss it! It’s been fun to go back and read some of my old posts.

I’ve also made the switch to WordPress and I’m stilling learning the ins and outs. I’d really like a more attractive layout but apparently you have to have a business account to utilize pre-made ones, so I will be figuring out how to do all the changes to make it look more like me.

So lets hope this is the first of many posts to come. Like I said, I have lots planned, I just hope I can follow through and back into the swing!