The Weekend: I’m Back!

Well….I’m back!  Back from two full weeks of romping around Europe.  And I have to say, it was the BEST.TRIP.EVER!!!

I plan to give each country a thorough breakdown throughout the next couple weeks.  I have well over 2,000 pictures I’m going to have to shuffle through for each post.  And I’m guessing that that is going to take a little bit of time.  I’m planning to post about Europe on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week and throw in other posts on the other days.

Now it’s back to my everyday life.  Womp Womp.  Jenny and I both agreed that we could easily have kept traveling for another week if we could have.  Sadly we couldn’t.  But I plan to relive the trip through all you lovely readers so YAY!

Ok so my weekend.  Here were the highlights!

– Saturday was a full and complete travel day.  We were up by 6:30 am Rome time (which is 7 hours ahead of Houston time).  Boarded our flight 2 hours late in Rome, their airport sucks by the way and is completely inefficient, and left by 2 pm.  Then 9 hours later, at 5:00pm, we arrived in Toronto.  Where we had about 4 hours to kill.  We went through US Customs here, which was good because it meant we didn’t have to go through it when we got in to Houston at 11:00pm.  Overall we were traveling for about 24 hours, with the time difference.  Yeah we were exhausted by the time we got home.

– Watched 4 movies on the flight.  Air Canada has great in flight entertainment.  And I was able to watch 4 movies I had wanted to see in theaters.  They included: Whiplash, The Duff, The Longest Ride, and The Age of Adeline.

-Spent most of Sunday getting rid of my Jet-Lag.  (Which explains why I was up at 5:00 am this morning)

– Ordered my bridesmaids dress for my friend Kelly’s wedding.  We ordered them through the website,  I did a post about them a few months ago.  Which you can read here.  She’s getting married in December!

– Caught up on all the Real Housewives I missed.  Lots of drama in New York and the OC.

-Made a to-do list for Monday.  I have a ton to do to catch up on things I missed the last two weeks.  Including turning in my contract for my new school!  (Thank God, I still have two weeks off!)

Well that’s about it! When you spend a full 24 hours traveling it doesn’t leave room for much else on the weekend.

So now I’m gonna share a few more Instagram pictures from my trip!  I’ll be posting tons more throughout the next few weeks but here is just a taste of our time in Switzerland and Italy. 🙂




This was our “We’re not ready to go home” face at the airport in Rome.  
I wouldn’t let myself have a single Starbucks in Europe.  But once we got back on the North American continent I decided it was ok.
Alrighty!  Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  Now I’m off to spend the day catching up on my real life.  Stay tuned for all my European Adventure posts!  🙂
Linking up with these lovelies!

Mingle 240

9 thoughts on “The Weekend: I’m Back!

  1. What a fun trip! I hope to do something like that in the future. Are you a new teacher or just switching schools/districts?Stopping by from Mingle MOnday 🙂


  2. Did you like Lake Como or Lucerne better? We're trying to decide which one to go to on our trip! Or if we should just splurge and do both! (Even though I'm going to be sooo poor!!) I can't wait for all the recaps and to get even more excited for my trip!


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