Birthday Tea Party

I love afternoon tea.
There is just something about getting all dressed up, sitting at a table with a friend or group of friends and enjoying a nice cup of tea.  It’s just so ladylike and fabulous.
It also reminds me of regency England and I have to say, I wish that it was still the custom to have afternoon tea at 3:00 o’clock every afternoon.
I got so into afternoon tea last summer that I went to two different tea rooms;
The St. James Tea Room in Alberqurque, NM and another tea room in Las Cruces, NM.
My friend Jenny and I hosted our own tea for Jenny’s birthday.  We made all the food items, used my great-granmother’s assorted tea cup set, and the vintage tea pot my Mom bought me at this vintage store back home.
It was fabulous.
But by far the best tea room I’ve been to is located in the Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. 
If you’ve never been to Grand, let me tell you, you are missing out!
It is a beautiful hotel that makes you wish you lived in a different decade.
Suzanne shares my love of afternoon tea.  She said that all while she was growing up her mother always had afternoon tea waiting for them when they got home from school.  
Needless to say, part of our friendship is based on our mutual love of having tea and pretty much all things girly.
So it was only natural that my birthday gift to her be… guessed it….afternoon tea at the Garden View Tea Room at the Grand Floridian.
We had a delightful afternoon filled with yummy food, delicious tea, light hearted conversation, laughter, and it even rained! 
Birthday Girl! 
Our fancy little set up at tea.

Princess Breakfast Tea
Course 1: A selection of tea sandwiches.

Course 2: A strawberry tart and scone with Devonshire Cream.

Course 3: Strawberries and Cream for Suzanne.

Two pastries for me.

We are so fancy.

 I could totally get used to having afternoon tea each afternoon.

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